Community Midwives: 0121 507 3774. Antenatal and community lead midwife Abbi Maddox. Our secure newborn nursery is staffed 24/7. SWB Maternity Coronavirus email: Antenatal clinic: 0121 507 3675. An initial evaluation at Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust showed that BSOTS increased the number of women seen within 15 minutes of attendance to maternity triage from 38% (159/421) to 53% (209/391). The Women’s Centre at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. Triage is the assessment area for maternity where we assess many needs, not just labour. The system also appeared to reduce the time between attendance to medical review for those who required it. Cheltenham General Hospital. Maternity advice line (triage) 0300 422 5541 The delivery suite 0300 422 5542. Direct Ward Telephone No: 01432 372994. City Hospital: 0121 554 3801. Our maternity unit features 17 labor and delivery rooms in our patient tower along with 36 private suites for recovery. Telephone number 07990986517. Our Akron Campus maternity services have earned several prestigious awards , including being named one of Newsweek's Best Maternity Care Hospitals, for our commitment to quality care, mothers, newborns and their families. Further support can be obtained from ARC (Antenatal Results and Choices): 020 7631 0285. Maternity Triage. Please refer to our maternity services during COVID-19 pandemic section to find current information as some of the care provided during your pregnancy and birth may have been altered for your safety and that of our staff.. Triage: 0121 507 4181. Please see below contact details for maternity units in Greater Manchester & Eastern Cheshire. Maternity triage is where we will evaluate your labor symptoms and care for any urgent pregnancy concerns. Triage is located next to the Labor and Delivery center on the 12th floor of the hospital. An initial evaluation at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust showed that BSOTS increased the number of women seen within 15 minutes of attendance to maternity triage from 38% (159/421) to 53% (209/391). You may be referred to triage by your GP, community midwife or you may contact us directly after 20 weeks of pregnancy, up to 6 weeks after delivery of your baby. Neonatal unit 0300 422 5529 The birth unit 0300 422 5523. These can be very anxious times, but be assured that our doctors, … Your antenatal appointments may run differently and our parent education classes are now all online.. Maternity Ward Manager: Annette Arnold Matron Maria Pearman. Call Triage on (01384) 456111 extension 3053. COVID-19 information. Maternity outpatients 0300 422 2346. A digital maternity triage system, developed in the West Midlands, has launched an online training programme and is now available to maternity teams across the UK. 01432 372963 The Aveta birth centre 0300 422 2324. We offer an OB Hospitalist Program with 24/7 OB physician coverage to respond to OB emergencies and triage maternity patients in our OB Emergency Department. A maternity triage system developed by clinicians and researchers from the West Midlands has launched training online for the first time, becoming readily In addition to our spacious rooms and outstanding staff, Iowa Methodist Maternity Center houses two state-of-the-art surgical suites. The maternity ward 0300 422 5520. Are you interested in working in an OUTSTANDING Maternity unit? City Hospital Infant Feeding Helpline: 0121 507 5703 Maternity outpatients 0300 422 6103. The system also appeared to reduce the time between attendance to medical review for those who required it.
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