In. hussbek is a fanfiction author that has written 14 stories for Pokémon, My Little Pony, Naruto, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man, Digimon, Infinite Stratos/ISインフィニット・ストラトス, Star Fox, Justice League, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Familiar of Zero, Kamen Rider, and Undertale. The bounty hunter orders a net dropped over Optimus and hoists both the Autobot leader and Tessa's hiding place into his ship. Wild and unpredictable. Launches to height of 20 miles, floats down on compressed air. Only the wolf creature has no need for Sixshot's two hypersonic concussion blasters, the wolf mode prefers to rip apart enemy Autobots with his razor fangs. The conniving brother-in-law of Lord Zarak, Blowpipe managed the political campaign that brought him and kept him in power. Prefers eating non-living to living things... doesn't like anything that might still be wriggling about after he swallows it. He is a professional partner to Dr. Mark Morgan, and has a professional, and perhaps romantic, relationship with Morgan's daughter, Jessica. Very good at what he does, but sometimes overrates himself. Abdul Ben Faisal is the greatest sage in all of. Hood-mounted infra-red range finder automatically targets roof-mounted dual lasers. When his ammunition runs out, so does his courage. It is run by Joshua Joyce, who is working with Su Yueming and Attinger to create artificial Transformers to eventually be used in the military. He can go underwater for reconnaissance and salvage missions. Displays a zest for his job unmatched by fellow Autobots. He carries two photon lasers that temporarily electromagnetize an enemy robot's microcircuits. Flies as fast as mach 2.8. When Optimus transforms, Cade and Shane leap out of Optimus, while Tessa is trapped and rolls away. ", "Autobots, we're going to prove who we are, and why we're here! Explodes into furious, ferocious action when it's time to strike. Doesn't take any orders that don't come from Grimlock. Ruthless, cold-blooded, and treacherous. Whether talking, terrifying, or attacking, he does everything to excess. The Autobots (also known as Cybertrons in Japan) are the heroes in the Transformers toyline and related spin-off comics and cartoons. Optimus quickly defeats him, saying that he and the other warriors will protect his family or die, then mounts the metal dinosaur. Extreme claustrophobia – feels the sky isn't big enough for him. Megatron's severed head is in somewhat good shape for someone who got an axe stabbed on the top of his head. After Bumblebee scans his new alternate mode, the camera pans over the car and Tessa and Shane are not inside. Hologram gun projects 3-dimensional grid laser-light topographical maps. Sneaky, but charming and affable... considered most devious yet most trusted of Autobots. Expert marksman with armor-piercing rocket-dart hunting rifle. The Decepticons (known as Destrons or on occasion Deathtrons in Japan) are the enemies of the Autobots, and the villains in the fictional universe of the movie and cartoon Transformers toyline and related spin-off comics and cartoons. This mold was later used to make the. Light-sensitive. His efforts are appreciated by other Decepticons. Has one foot wingspan that can enlarge to ten feet. Physically weak. Destroy it all!" He spends most of his time primping and polishing either Chromedome or himself, and is renowned on Nebulos for his exquisite taste and dashing good looks. The team leader, James Savoy, mockingly asks why Ratchet ran if he's not their enemy, and Ratchet replays a transmission he received from Optimus Prime, ordering all Autobots to hide from humans. Chaos is a large alien monster, native to the planet Dread. Leave planet Earth alone. Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away. Ratbat records from the Autobots' most carefully guarded secrets. Tell me where he's hiding. Insatiable lust for destruction. Spreading fear is his favorite pastime. Large golden plates on spinal assembly are solar collectors... strength increases tenfold in sunlight. Job is to lead enemy astray. Practical joker and cheerleader, but considers himself a liability to Autobots since he consumes the most fuel. He is mortal enemies with Defensor. Stylor is gorgeous. Can survive a collision with anyone, except Optimus Prime. It cannot help that Sureshot is a jerk, of course, and presumably he never calls. He has a motto or word of advice for any situation and he is as brave and loyal as they come. This is a list of characters from The Transformers television series. In robot mode – has two electro-burst rifles. Doesn't stop blasting until he is hip-deep in smoking rubble. Afraid of heights. Wheeljack is the mad scientist of the Autobots. Can achieve Earth orbit, even go to Moon and back with enough fuel. Great strength, but helpless if upended. Flies at 250 mph. Joshua is also none too pleased about the previous field test of Galvatron; not only was it a loss on several fronts, but the drone also spoke, which was something it was not programmed to do! One of the air conditioning units kicked off the building exterior by Savoy falls away to reveal ... a solid wall, with no connection to an apartment's interior. Spike and Carly encountered the production assistant rummaging through film reels. But she will show them. Immediately after he transforms into his triceratops mode, Slug is shown to have a very visible Autobot logo on his dino-mode forehead, yet he just met Optimus and the other Autobots moments before. "Hey, you! He has been killed and revived numerous times throughout the franchise. Possesses superior eyesight and sense of smell. Sensors can detect even lowest energy radio transmissions. Deadpool is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by writer Fabian Nicieza and artist/writer Rob Liefeld, the character first appeared in The New Mutants #98 (cover-dated February 1991). Reaches a top speed of 140 mph and can shatter a 20-foot concrete block. Incredibly powerful and intelligent. So busy proving how tough he is by snapping cars in half between his jaws, that he forgets his mission. RIAA’s historic Gold® & Platinum® Program defines success in the recorded music industry. Armed with two batteries of motion missiles—each reacts to any moving object bigger than a baseball and explodes on contact. "He gives me the creeps," says Ramjet. In the 3rd season, Ultra Magnus became second-in-command of the Autobot’s, and an advisor for Rodimus Prime. Daniel is (sometimes) the Headmaster partner to Arcee. More vulnerable to psychological rather than physical attacks. To Brawn, Earth is essentially a hostile environment – and he loves it. Megatron would sooner melt him than talk to him, but knows he is even worse company for the Autobots. Carly had to point out to her that they could make more copies from the negatives. A ruthless businessman and industrialist, Grax was willing to do whatever it took to solidify his place at the top of Nebulan business world. In insect mode this Insecticon can fly 5.7 miles. Victor Drath is a successful crime lord in the far-flung future of 2006. Carries laser guided missiles and uses nega-gun that crumbles objects by breaking molecular bonds. In insect mode can use antennae to control almost any electrical device. His partner resents his interference, and in his turn, the Nebulan resents Sureshot for his lack of appreciation. He is got some sharp moves. Projects nearly impenetrable invisible force-field. Whether engaged in raging battle or friendly conversation, an ulterior purpose usually exists. Speed: 200 mph. In the future year of 2007, Morgan works in the fields of metallurgy, robotics and palynology. Uncomfortable in the mantle of leadership, but presents strong profile as a commander. Plays back the messages he carries, thinks others are talking about him, goes into violent rages. Not very fast... often in danger due to daydreaming. Activating one of Lockdown's grenades, Prime tells the humans to hold on and uses rocket boosters to escape while the grenade destroys the last of the KSI drones. Therefore, they could have been alive during the events of the film. Insulation can stop his electrical blasts. Sir Wulf is a subject of Sir Wigend du Blackthorne who decides to betray his lord and side with Starscream. Hates authority. Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messenger, scout, and spy. Can also alter his mass for transport; usually used as a main space transport. In hawk mode – has superb vision. Can transform to laser cannon tank and launching pad with rocket. In creature mode, claws and teeth can slice through almost any substance. Other Decepticons put off by his mournful, silent ways. Has pinpoint accuracy, high-powered particle beam. But then, Arcana seems to cultivate an extremely anti-social persona unintentionally, training first as a medical doctor, only to grow bored and focus on long-forgotten and repudiated scientific lore of his planet, earning the ire of medical colleagues. Only redeeming quality is he speaks well of those he is sent to "the great junkyard in the sky," his phrase for destruction. The Freightliner truck used for Galvatron is the maximum size/gauge allowed on Hong Kong roads. Very slow. "Autobots, Decepticons, like little children, always fighting; making a mess out of the universe, then I've got to clean it up! The entirety of the KSI pursuit scene switches between taking place between the left and right sides of the two-lane highway, despite being only supposed to take place on the right side. Prone to overturning on sharp turns. Always inventing new weapons and gadgets. Range: 600 miles. He has a green suit. Wheels allow limited land travel. Prefers hunting turbofoxes on Cybertron with his high-priced friends. His mind is a melding together of his six parts, but limited by their competing thoughts. Refuels by plunging his mecha-fangs into new cars' gas lines – the better made the car, the better the gasoline tastes. He rattles the air with the roar of his jets... believes half the battle is won if the opponent is "psyched out" by his mere arrival, so he makes no attempt to be sneaky. Carries twin automatic light-pulse blasters. Range: 550 miles. Can see a dime from 10,000 feet. As tank, has track-mounted cannon that fires explosive shells 3.5 miles. In the following shot, the Steeljaw is gone. Where is Optimus Prime?" Not a lot of progress, mind you... Thankfully Peacemaker knows how to be patient, loves a challenge, and is firm in his belief that optimism leads to success. When Bumblebee jumps off Lockdown's ship to save the humans, he is followed by a Steeljaw. Rocket can achieve planetary orbit. A show off... proud that he is one of few Autobots that can fly. How sharp? [31] Other shooting locations were the small towns of Lockhart, Taylor, Elgin and Pflugerville in Texas. However, previous shots establish that the seating order in Optimus is Shane, Tessa, Cade. As a missile trailer, Onslaught is capable of launching 6500-mile range photon missiles, each equivalent to 3000 tons of TNT. Left rear tower transforms into tank, Slammer, who has rocket-propelled mortar cannon. When his sensors are activated, thinks trouble is coming. He can be hotheaded, but he is always a well meaning, admirable lad and a brave and honorable fighter. Carries small concussion bombs... shoots thermal beam as plane and robot. Scrapheap is a youthful and rebellious Junkion, whose average day consists of non-stop television marathons, rummaging through trash, and the occasional knock-down dragout motorcycle rally-slash slugfest. In later versions, Megatron and Galvatron appear as separate entities. Steam comes from his nasal ducts when he is enraged. Cassette warriors (or "Mini-Cassettes", or simply "Cassettes"or “Mini-Cons” like in Transformers Robots in disguise) are tiny Transformers; they are no taller than the humans. Later versions portray Thundercracker and Scourge as separate entities. Earlier in the movie, he transforms into an old, rusty Marmon 97 truck cab (presumably without support from the manufacturer), but later upgrades into a brand new Western Star "5700 OP" concept truck that was designed specifically for the movie by "Twins Custom Coaches" and the team at West Coast Customs, with Western Star being a subsidiary of Daimler Trucks, who also provided a 2012 Freightliner Argosy that serves as Galvatron's alternate mode. Disheartened, Prime orders a retreat. No known weaknesses. In robot mode, uses photon pistol and thermal sword. Despite the KSI pursuit scene taking place on a two lane highway, there are several scenes spliced in of the Transformers with supercar alt modes (like Stinger and Crosshairs) driving on what is obviously a racecourse (specifically the GM proving grounds in Milford, Michigan). Those answers we carry inside. In vehicle mode, Stinger's engine sound is inaccurate to what his alt mode actually is (a Pagani Huayra) and sounds more like a McLaren F1. In jet mode, maximum speed: 2400 mph. Swiftest Autobot. Optimus says that though the Autobots will travel to Hong Kong and get the Seed back, they will leave Earth afterwards; they are done protecting humanity. Flies at Mach 2.6, range 1400 miles. As Cade catches one of Cemetery Wind's mini drones, a white rally car zooms over the adjacent fields and picks up the Yeagers and Lucas. In robot mode, has fusion-powered anti-gravity gun. Maximum speed: 400 mph; range: 1200 miles. Remains aloof from others, but his deeds command their respect. He is a master at handling fear. Unhappy with unglamorous role, but understands its importance... helps build Decepticons' massive energy-recovery installations. Quick to anger, even quicker to attack. Carries two powerful heat-seeking missiles. He has a pathological hatred of Transformers, both Autobots and Decepticons, which he shares with his professional partner Gregory Swofford. The Nebulans who co-operate with the Targetmasters transform into the Transformers' weapons. "Let me at 'em" is Cliffjumper's motto. The exit is on your left." The alternate version of the Cassette warriors' origin is stated in the animated series. "Try it, you'll be dead!" Sir Aetheling the Red is a feudal lord in the year 542 on Earth and is father to Princess Nimue. Prone to severe cerebro-circuit overloads, what Earthlings call "headaches.". Lazy, difficult to motivate, but has a hair-trigger temper. An officer and pilot in the Earth Defense Space Forces. Maybe someday he will get to meet them...? Bluestreak takes the form of a modified 1980 Nissan 280ZX, the year can be identified by the use of a T-bar roof and he is Naturally Aspirated because of the design of his wheels. Other terms for the Decepticons are Décepticans (in France), Destructors (in Italy), Bedragarna (in Sweden), Bedragoner (in Denmark), Shakranikim (in Israel) and Álca (in Hungary). This is also the number that appears in the English subtitles of the DVD, meaning that it was scripted as 22.011 and not 2705-3. Not that he needed much convincing to undergo the binary bonding process to combine with Skullcruncher in order to eliminate his business rivals, the Decepticon methods of utterly and cruelly absorbing all foes were just more literally bloody versions of Grax's own. Range: 5 miles. Arms act as powerful pile drivers. In robot mode, he can lift 70,000 tons, has shoulder-mounted twin high-energy maser cannons and omni-directional receiving and transmitting antenna. Range: 450 miles. In an interesting twist, using Optimus as a proxy for the average human, all the Dinobots bar Strafe have been accurately scaled up. Pacifist – difficult for him to accept his role as part of the Protectobot team. He is the leader, but since his mouth is usually full, his orders are usually misinterpreted. Short attention span. His only weakness is his compassion for other living creatures. As robot has electron-scimitar and gyro-blaster rifle. Transforming into a version of Kup's original old-style musket laser, Recoil has found a good match with the crusty Autobot, both seeking the respect they feel their age and experience deserves. Not totally convinced of the Decepticons' cause, but they've persuaded him to continue battling the Autobots. Dutch is Victor Drath's right-hand man. Even his previous Peterbilt alternate mode would be illegal in Hong Kong. In the shot of Shane's car pulling up outside of the Yeager farm after Cemetery Wind has stormed in, nobody is seen inside the vehicle. Age of Extinction was written by Ehren Kruger, who also wrote Dark of the Moon and helped write Revenge of the Fallen. In creature mode can leap 4 miles in one jump, breathes flame. Good in situations requiring fast, decisive action. Can roll his drums to produce a high-pitch, grating sound of 200db. Finds Earth terrain a hindrance. Charming but cruelly clever... makes friends so he can influence them to do his bidding by digging up facts he can hold against them. Carries two laser-guided incendiary missiles, rapid-fire plasma pulse cannon. Prone to rash judgements which can lead to injury to himself and comrades. In battle, lashes out with wings, beak, and claws to cut everything to ribbons. Junkyard is also very good at identifying the needs of his customers, and is very good in business, and is a skilled technician, and does not like to fight in battle. As they detonate, they convert the landscape and the herds of panicking dinosaurs into a metallic substance, ending the Age of Dinosaurs. Sensors can determine chemical composition of land and find needed resources.