The Home and Community Based Services Waiver is the Medicaid program that provides opportunities for adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities to receive services in their own home or community. Waivers vary from state to state, and many states offer more than one type of 1915(c) waiver. ABOUT THE SERVICE Home and Community Based Services Waiver (HCBS) is an intensive program that provides a The authorized provision of Group CH-R services continues to be eligible for claiming to eMedNY. The HCBS Waiver, authorized in 1915 (c) of the Social Security Act, is to maintain individuals under the age of 21 with SED in their homes and communities who would otherwise be in hospital levels of care by reimbursing for non-traditional services. • Waiver services are designed for people who, but for these services, require the Staff uses a strengths-based, individualized care approach to work with families. have chosen HCBS waiver services over institutional care. Agencies continue to have the flexibility to deliver remote services per. The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is providing this guidance to Health Homes Serving Children, C-YES, Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) providers, and MMCP/HIV SNP surrounding the 1915(c) HCBS Children’s Waiver The HCBS waiver is one of many waivers that the federal government approves to allow states to be more flexible with the use of Medicaid funds. The HCBS Waiver utilizes a strength-based, individualized care model to promote wellness, leading to success for the child and family. We fully understand that agencies did not anticipate this end-date for the program. The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver offers several different services to support people in the community. People. 855. It is OPWDD's primary funding mechanism for supporting individuals in the community by providing a variety of services and supports that are uniquely tailored and individualized to meet each person's needs. OPWDD conducted two webinars on November 12, 2020 to provide an overview of the proposed changes included in the Draft April 1, 2021 Waiver Amendment. Loss of Waiver Eligibility HCBS Children’s Waiver Program Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) are designed to allow children/youth to participate in a vast array of developmentally and culturally appropriate services, by granting access to a series of Medicaid funded services. The HCBS Waiver Program is designed to provide community-based services and supports to youth at risk of admission to institutional levels of care. Therefore, the HCBS Waiver has increased the service options and enrollment age to account for the unique needs of this population. Please note that changes have been made to the WebEx conference to increase attendee capacity. - HCBS Waivers provide: - long term care services in home and community based settings under the State’s Medicaid Program States can offer a variety of services under an HCBS Waiver program. Written comments will be accepted from November 10, 2020 through December 18, 2020 and may be submitted by mail to: OPWDD, Division of Policy and Program Development, 44 Holland Ave., Albany, NY 12229 or by e-mail to: Residential Day Service Program Billing Guidance, Retainer Day and Group Community Habilitation – Residential (Group CH-R), Office for People With Developmental Disabilities, Day Service Retainer program and guidance, Post Day Service Retainer Program Flexibilities Webinar FAQ,, If your agency has signed and submitted to OPWDD the Day Service Retainer Day program Attestation, then you may continue to submit retainer day claims (using revenue code 0180) to eMedNY for service dates of April 18, 2020 through July 21, 2020. The program is certified through the New York State Department of Health and provides services and supports to families to prevent out of home placement for their child. This program was announced in a memorandum from DOH Deputy Director Donna Cater, dated 06/05/20, and provided retainer payments to agencies that signed an attestation, agreeing to the program’s rules of participation. Written comments will be accepted from November 10, 2020 through December 18, 2020 and may be submitted by mail to: OPWDD, Division of Policy and Program Development, 44 Holland Ave., Albany, NY 12229 or by e-mail to: [email protected]. May be limited to a certain medical diagnosis (e.g., mental health, developmental disability… Providers that have opted to participate in the OPWDD Day Service Retainer Program Please note: this guidance does not address retainer payments for Community Habilitation services delivered by ‘self-hired’ staff and paid by Fiscal Intermediary agencies as part of a person’s self-directed budget. The program permits a state to furnish an array of home and community-based services that assist Medicaid beneficiaries to January 26, 2021 2 Agenda •Behavioral Health Home and Community Based Services (BH HCBS) Transition to CORE: What Changes? Within broad Federal guidelines, States can develop home and community-based services waivers (HCBS Waivers) to meet the needs of people who prefer to get long-term care services and supports in their home or community, rather than in an institutional setting. Comprehensive Home and Community-Based Services (1915-c HCBS) Waiver The Home and Community Based Services Waiver is the Medicaid program that provides opportunities for adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities to … Please direct any questions and concerns to [email protected]. Community Habilitation. For further information here are links to items in OPWDD's website About OPWDD Services – Waiver Services New York State's HCBS waiver for individuals with developmental disabilities was approved for implementation by the Federal Health Care Financing Administration, (HCFA) effective September 1, 1991. Youth can be served until age 21, however, must be enrolled prior to his/her 18th birthday. OPWDD HCBS Appendix K Waiver Amendment – General CMS approved the term of New York’s OPWDD HCBS Appendix K waiver amendment from March 7, 2020 through September 7, 2020 but will only cover the period in which there is a declared State of Emergency in New York. OPWDD administers this HCBS Waiver. Services Funded by the FIDA-IDD Managed Care Program (2019) Service Description. Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (OPWDD), Health & Safety in the Home, Workplace & Outdoors, Clinical Guidelines, Standards & Quality of Care, All Health Care Professionals & Patient Safety, Comprehensive Home and Community-Based Services (1915-c HCBS) Waiver, Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in New York State, Learn About the Dangers of "Synthetic Marijuana", Help Increasing the Text Size in Your Web Browser. The Draft April 1, 2021, Waiver Amendment was posted to the OPWDD web page on November 10, 2020 for public comment. Home & Community Based Services Participants in the HCBS Waiver are developmentally disabled individuals of any age. Final 2019 Waiver Renewal approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Effective October 1, 2019. have chosen HCBS waiver services over institutional care. have a diagnosis of a developmental disability. For general information on children's waiver program in New York, see this brochure on Children's HCBS or access the Front Door, New York's gateway to services for people with developmental disabilities. OMH HCBS Waiver Bridges to Health (B2H) Waiver Services OPWDD HCBS Waiver Overview The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver is a federally funded program which currently serves 1506 children with serious emotional disturbances in every county in New York State with the exception of Oneida, which has a look-alike program. These services can include habilitation services, respite care, service coordination, and adaptive technologies. To be eligible for opportunities in the OPWDD HCBS Waiver, an individual must: A person who is eligible and lives in NYS can request to be enrolled in the HCBS waiver by contacting the DDSO or a provider agency that serves the county in which the person lives. May be statewide or geographically limited in coverage 2. Provides family/caregiver with information pertaining to Child Health Plus when child enrolled into waiver. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver of New York State The Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (HCBS/TBI) is one component of a comprehensive strategy developed by the New York State Department of Health to assure that New Yorkers with a traumatic brain injury may receive services within New York in the least restrictive setting. Services are provided either by OPWDD's Developmental Disabilities Services Office (DDSO) staff or through voluntary not-for-profit agencies who have been authorized to provide HCBS waiver services by OPWDD or the NYS Department of Health (DOH). Last Eligible Day for Claiming through the Day Services Retainer Program is July 21, 2020. States can operate as many HCBS Waivers as they want — currently, more than 300 HCBS Waiver programs are active nationwide. OMH: Within 30 days from enrollment: Service Plan Budget: Lists all Services provided to the youth and anticipated cost, annually. Apply to Shift Manager, Care Manager, Childcare Provider and more! Children’s Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Most services previously delivered under agency-specific 1915(c) waivers are now delivered under concurrent waiver authorities that allow children to be enrolled in Managed Care (unless otherwise exempt … The New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (NYS-OPWDD) HCBS Waiver was initiated in 1991 creating a new service provision model that encouraged increased use of community resources to meet the needs and enrich the lives of persons with developmental disabilities. SERVICES (HCBS) WAIVER The New York State Department of Health administers the TBI/HCBS Waiver in an effort to serve individuals between the ages of 18 and 64 who have been diagnosed with a TBI or related condition to prevent unnecessary entrances into nursing homes and to help individuals leave nursing homes to live in the community. A listing of each OPWDD Regional Office is identified in the Public Notice. People enrolled in a Special Needs Plan (SNP) may also be eligible for BH HCBS The Children’s Waiver • New York State combined six waiver programs into one waiver • Children and youth who were enrolled in those waivers now have access to more services • These services are called Children’s Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) under what is now called the Children’s Waiver B. Based on recent federal guidance in which CMS limited the number of retainer days that providers are allowed to bill, the last service date for submitting retainer day claims to eMedNY under the Day Service Retainer Program is July 21, 2020. Reference Page of COVID-19 Program Flexibilities for Supervised Individual Residential Alternative (IRA) Residential Habilitation, Day Habilitation, Community Habilitation, Site-Based Prevocational Services Providers and Community Based Prevocational Services Providers. HCBS, youth must be referred through local county Singe Point of Access (SPOA). The eMedNY system allows New York Medicaid providers to submit claims and receive payments for Medicaid-covered services provided to eligible members.