Dismiss. Last updated on 08 August 2018. Local services. SE1 7NT. All information provided is held within secure computer systems and managed in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (2018). Please note that your request will be automatically forwarded to our Commissioning Support Unit, an NHS support organisation operating under the authority of NHS England whose staff manage Freedom of Information requests on our behalf. 01296 587220 Second Floor, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP19 8FF Website address not added. Qualified exemptions need to be able to show that the public interest is better served by not disclosing than by disclosing. BUCKS 34895 – Non-Emergency Eye Surgery. The FOIA requires Birmingham and Solihull CCG to adopt and maintain a publication scheme which should specify which classes of information it intends to publish. The single unitary council that replaced Buckinghamshire County Council and Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe District Councils in April 2020. About Us. 2. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives anyone the right to access certain information held by the CCG, subject to some conditions and exemptions. NHS Buckinghamshire CCG will comply in full with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (2000). © Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group, GP Amanda Bartlett and volunteer, Nurse Averil Bird at the homeless vaccination clinic A special drop-in COVID vaccination clinic was…, Unpaid carers are being urged to make sure they are registered with Carers Bucks so they do not miss out…, Members of the vaccination team visit Aylesbury Mosque The Aylesbury Mosque was transformed into a ‘pop-up’ COVID-19 vaccination clinic over…, Commissioning for joined up health and social care services, Freedom of Information Publication Scheme, Drop-in vaccination clinic for the homeless comes to High Wycombe, Unpaid carers urged to register to ensure they are invited for their COVID vaccination, COVID vaccination clinic comes to Aylesbury Mosque, How your information is used (Fair Processing Notice/Privacy Notice). April 2017 Governing Body. You can make an FOI request for information from the CCG by calling 01223 725400 and asking for the Freedom of Information office, or by emailing capccg.freedomofinformation1@nhs.net More information can be found in our Freedom of Information section . BUCKS 35797 – Referral Management Service. The main example is commercial sensitivity. East Berkshire CCG Newsletter. Overview; GPs; FAQs; Contact; Overview. Publication scheme. Communicating and engaging with our residents is key to achieving our vision. BUCKS 35669 – Community Dermatology Service. Formulary products may be found in one or more chapters. NHS Buckinghamshire CCG: 14Y; NHS Bury CCG: 00V; C. NHS Calderdale CCG: 02T; NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG: 06H; NHS Cannock Chase CCG: 04Y; NHS Castle Point and Rochford CCG: 99F; NHS Central London (Westminster) CCG: 09A; NHS Cheshire CCG: 27D (former CCGs: NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG, NHS South Cheshire CCG, NHS Vale Royal CCG and NHS West Cheshire CCG) NHS … Anyone has the right to ask North Staffordshire CCG for any information, although there are some exemptions that may prevent it being released. NHS Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) 57-59 Bath Road Reading. Find out more on the Cambridgeshire.gov website. This file includes the newly formed CCGs - NHS Birmingham and Solihull CCG (E38000220), NHS Berkshire West CCG (E38000221), NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG (E380002220), NHS Buckinghamshire CCG (E38000223), NHS East Berkshire CCG (E38000224) and NHS Leeds CCG (E38000225) It also includes changes to the codes for NHS Fylde and Wyre CCG … The purpose of the Act is to promote greater openness and to help inform people of how public authorities make … General Enquiries: 0118 950 3094. Email requests should be sent to: NELCSU.foi@nhs.net. Reference: FOI 26681 BUCKS 14Y Dear Mr Bhatia Thank you for your request for information which we received on 15 June 2018 regarding documents and services relating to Bucks ICS shared care record. Download . Meetings and Papers. Last updated on 10 November 2017. Personal information where disclosure would contravene the Data Protection Act 2018; patient identifiable information would be included here. BUCKS 35181 – Community Clinic VTE. May 2017 Governing Body. Our commitment to publish information excludes any information which can legitimately be withheld under the exemptions set out in the NHS Openness Code or the Freedom of Information Act. Communicating and engaging with our residents is key to achieving our vision. The version of the browser you are using is no longer supported. BUCKS I 34298 – Spinal Orthotic Support for Long Term Wheelchair Users. The presumption is always that the requested information, where it exists, should be supplied. FOI Team NHS North and East London Commissioning Support Unit Clifton House 75-77 Worship Street London EC2A 2EJ . All chapters of the Formulary are ready for use: 1. C/O NHS North and East London Commissioning Support Unit. These Freedom of Information requests were processed in June 2020: BUCKS 35802 – Anal SCC number 2013 – 2018. I am pleased to acknowledge your request on behalf of the following Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG): o NHS BUCKINGHAMSHIRE CCG NEL Freedom of Information Team Lower Marsh 3rd Floor Waterloo London SE1 7NT . Our Area. The FOI Act gives anyone a general right to request information held by public authorities such as the NHS. March 13, 2019 In order to find out the situation around the country for Libre prescribing now that the national policy has been published, I have made the decision to contact many of them to find out their plans. A part of the National Health Service and a Clinical Commissioning Group, also called Buckinghamshire CCG This body is responsible for commissioning (buying) services such as mental health, urgent and emergency care, hospital services and community care in the area it operates. BUCKS 35671 – Hydroxychloroquine Retinopathy Screening. Report an issue with the information on this page. Non-formulary products are shaded in pink and labelled non-formulary. © Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group. The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act is to promote openness by public authorities by increasing transparency and accountability, and improving decision making. The aim of the Act is to create a climate of openness in public services and to inform people how public authorities make their operational decisions and how public money is spent. Everyone who volunteers with us will be offered training and support to do so. Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust; Extended Access appointments to GP services; GP Practices; Hospitals; Information for carers; NHS 111 telephone service; NHS e-Referral Service; Non-Emergency Patient Transport; Out of Hours; Patient Choice; Pharmacists ; Urgent Care Centre; Your health. Overview; GPs; FAQs; Contact; GPs Select a GP to find out about the services they provide. FOI 35191 BUCKS 14Y – Spreadsheet. File. Write to: The Freedom of Information Officer, Parkside House, Quinton Road. Email requests should be sent to: nelcsu.foi@nhs.net Your request for information must be made in writing and you are entitled to a response within 20 working days. The Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act) allows anyone, anywhere in the world, to make a written request for information to any UK public body or agency, subject to certain conditions and exemptions, and expect a reply within 20 working days. Can my request be refused? 3. NHS Buckinghamshire CCG. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives any person the right to request any information which is held by a public authority. What should I do before I request information from West Essex CCG? These Freedom of Information requests were processed in January 2020: FOI 33980 BUCKS 14Y – Revised iMSK Service Spec. Your feedback and views help us to make the right decisions when commissioning and reviewing health services. FOI Requests. 01296 587220 Second Floor, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP19 8FF Website address not added. BUCKS 35341 – Local Area Network (LAN) BUCKS 35191 – Stoma Market. Accessibility; Sitemap; Disclaimer; Site Credits; How your information is used (Fair Processing Notice/Privacy Notice) NHS Buckinghamshire CCG will comply in full with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (2000). The framework allows data to be shared, to improve service delivery in the area. BUCKS 34881 – Referral Management-Facilitation Service. Send feedback about this page. The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 (the Act) gives people the right to request recorded information held by public authorities, including information which is held by the CCG, subject to certain conditions as detailed in the Act. Email: bwccg.enquiries@nhs.net. BUCKS 34512 – NHS Continuing Healthcare. The service is managed by the team at NHS North East London Commissioning Support Unit (NEL CSU) . Everyone who volunteers with us will be offered training and support to do so. Alternatively you can send your FOI request by post, please address it to: Freedom of information team. The Act provides some possible exemptions, both absolute and qualified. For postal requests, please send to the following address: FOI Team NHS North East London Commissioning Support Unit Clifton House 75-77 Worship Street London EC2A 2DU Clinical Commissioning Groups - CCGs - Freedom of Information. BUCKS 34659 – Specialist Clinic (OHSPIC) BUCKS 34645 – Referral Management Services. Much of this information, such as minutes of meetings, board papers and policies, financial transactions, is already … NHS Buckinghamshire CCG. *IMPORTANT: Please do not send any patient identifiable information to this email address*. Check whether the information you seek is already available. Trying to connect…. Issue 2 - June 2018. If you would like to submit a FOI to NHS Coventry and Rugby CCG please: Email: the Freedom of Information Officer on agcsu.warwick.ccgs@nhs.net. Your feedback and views help us to make the right decisions when commissioning and reviewing health services. Search for a drug or condition using the search box above. The CCG Project! Aston Clinton Surgery Address: 136 London Road … BUCKS 35756 – Community Dermatology Service. Your Voice Bucks is a website where you can find and take part in our consultations, surveys and other public involvement opportunities. Coventry CV1 2NJ. BUCKS 35746 – CGM Monitoring. Can my request be refused? Your request must be in writing and can be either posted or emailed to Enfield CCG. The CCG's disclosure log will be updated on a monthly basis. Home. Please upgrade to a supported browser. © Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group, GP Amanda Bartlett and volunteer, Nurse Averil Bird at the homeless vaccination clinic A special drop-in COVID vaccination clinic was…, Unpaid carers are being urged to make sure they are registered with Carers Bucks so they do not miss out…, Members of the vaccination team visit Aylesbury Mosque The Aylesbury Mosque was transformed into a ‘pop-up’ COVID-19 vaccination clinic over…, Commissioning for joined up health and social care services, Freedom of Information Publication Scheme, Drop-in vaccination clinic for the homeless comes to High Wycombe, Unpaid carers urged to register to ensure they are invited for their COVID vaccination, COVID vaccination clinic comes to Aylesbury Mosque, How your information is used (Fair Processing Notice/Privacy Notice). These are: Who we are and what we do: Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts This group aims to identify and tackle issues of health inequalities within Buckinghamshire communities and is open to new members. NHS Buckinghamshire CCG. There is some information which can legitimately be withheld under the exemptions set out in the NHS … The Buckinghamshire Formulary is a joint venture between Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Buckinghamshire CCG. Buckinghamshire CCG: Home. FOI and SAR staff can work productively from home but are mindful that many CCG staff are involved in crucial work to support East Berkshire residents through this difficult time, and this may impact their ability to provide the information needed to respond to some requests in a timely manner. Ashcroft Surgery Address: Stewkley Road Wing Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 0NE Tel: 01296 688201 . Freedom of Information. Plans to merge the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) will be consulted on before Christmas, the chief officer of Berkshire West CCG … July 2017 Governing Body. The Cambridgeshire Information Sharing Framework is an agreement between public organisations in Cambridgeshire. NHS homepage; NHS sites ; About us; Contact us; Profile editor … Our Governing Body. Tel: 01296 587220. Your Voice Bucks is a website where you can find and take part in our consultations, surveys and other public involvement opportunities. Address: Second Floor, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP19 8FF. Information supplied by NHS Buckinghamshire CCG. The FOI Act sets out exemptions to that right and places certain obligations on public authorities. A written response should be made to the enquirer within 20 working days.